Loot is the revolutionary new way to acquire Game time or In-game resources for your favorite games!!
Loot gives everyone the ability to Farm Gold for Epic Loot just as any of the popular MMORPGs that encourage farming for the best gear and items. With Loot, the prizes are waiting so get Farming Gold for Epic Loot!!!
Farm Gold for some of the most popular video games such as:
* World of Warcraft
* League of Legends
* And much more!!!
Loot came from the idea that everyone should be able to play their favorite video games regardless of whether or not they can get to a store or if they simply don't want to pay to play. So why wait, download Loot today and begin your quest for Epic LOOT!!!
**Loot is claimed through email so make sure an active email address is given upon registration**
**Please allow up to 48 hours for email delivery once Loot is claimed!**